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FTIR Multi-gas Analyser


FTIR analyzer in a turnkey cabinet for the measurement of up to 50 parameters, to be selected according to the application. MCERTs certified.

Based on the FTIR technology (Fourier Transform Infrared) for simultaneous measurement of: HCl, HF, NH3, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, CO, CH4, TOC, H2O, CO2, O2…

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  • 180°C heated sample line / measurement cell (in association with HOFI sampling system according to the application), ensuring no sample loss or composition changes
  • Turnkey system including Industrial PC with Windows based eSAM FT software for on-board data acquisition and processing
  • TOC measurement by FID possible, using the complementary Graphite 52M analyzer
  • Ideal for measuring trace concentrations in wet, corrosive gas streams
  • Suited for hot wet measurements of soluble gases such as HCl, HF, NH3, etc.
  • All in one system including industrial PC & software for on-board data acquisition and processing
  • Municipal, Industrial, Hospital waste incinerators
  • Biomass, Cement Kilns, Pulp & Paper, Glass Plants
  • DeNOx (SNCR, SCR) applications
  • Power & Combustion
Pollutant Range
HCI 0-15 / 500
HF 0-3 / 100
NO 0-200 / 2000
NO2 0-200 / 2000
N2O 0-100 / 500
NOx 0-200 / 2000
SO2 0-75 / 20000
CO 0-75 / 10000
CH4 0-15 / 1000
THC 0-50 / 1000
NH3 0-15 / 500
H2O(%) 0-30 / 40
CO2(%) 0-10 / 30
O2(%) 0-10 / 25
Lowest / Highest available ranges expressed in mg/m3 (may vary with your site conditions to be indicated on the Site Survey Form)

Technical Data

QAL1 to EN 15267-3 certified YES
US EPA compliance YES
Sampling technology Hot/Wet Extraction
Sample transfert 180°C heated sampling line
back flush function YES
span injection YES on analyser or at sample point
Built-In O2 option YES
Serial link communication /
Other Communication Ethernet
Analogue OUTPUTS Optional
Analogue INPUTS Optional
Dimensions (mm) 19” rack: 616 x 483 x 220 (DxWxH)

Technical Data

  • Sample extraction and conditioning probe (with integrated temperature, pressure & flow measurement)
  • Heated sample line
  • Automatic calibration unit
  • Instrument Air drying system
  • Data acquisition and processing software (eSAM FT)


QAL 1 certified by the MCERTs to EN 15267-3
QAL3 compliance as defined by EN 14181
U.S. EPA approved as compliant with 40 CFR 60 ET 75
Certified by the Korean NIER


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