Environmental Policy
Norditech Pty Ltd provides a range of environmental monitoring services including sales of environmental monitoring equipment, installation, support, maintenance and data monitoring. At all levels of our operation, Norditech Pty Ltd plan and conduct our activities with a view to protecting and conserving the natural environment. We do this by complying with legal and other requirements, and the Environmental Management System, meeting community expectations.
Norditech Pty Ltd is committed to providing for its employees and the wider community, a level of environmental awareness, management and control that is in line with the community expectations and standards.
Norditech Pty Ltd commits to establishing and reviewing measureable objectives and targets in accordance with the annual Environmental Management Plan and the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management Systems.
Norditech Pty Ltd commits to continual improvement and the prevention of pollution and to comply with applicable legal requirements and all other relevant obligations.
This policy is communicated to all staff through uploading a copy of the policy to the company intranet with other relevant Management System manuals.
The policy is also made available to all persons working for or on behalf of Norditech Pty Ltd and the public via the company website.
Work Health and Safety Policy
Norditech Pty Ltd provides a range of environmental monitoring services including sales of environmental monitoring equipment, installation, support, maintenance and data monitoring.. We recognise that it is our moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for employees, contractors, customers and visitors. This commitment extends to ensuring that the organisation’s operations do not place the local community at risk of injury, illness or property damage. Norditech Pty Ltd commits to continuous improvement in WHS management in order to eliminate workplace injury and illness.
Communication of the Policy
This policy is communicated to all staff through an electronic controlled copy placed on the company intranet with other relevant management system manuals, and placed on common area noticeboard/s. This policy is made available to the public via the company website.
- Provide safe equipment and systems of work
- Provide written procedures and instructions to ensure safe systems of work
- Ensure compliance with legislative requirements, current industry standards and the requirements of
- AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
- Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to employees, contractors, visitors and customers to ensure their safety
- Provide support and assistance to employees
- Continually improve its WHS systems materials and performance through predetermined targets and objectives
Managers are accountable for implementing this policy in their area of responsibility. This will be measured via their annual performance reviews. Management is responsible for:
- The provision and maintenance of the workplace in a safe and secure condition
Active involvement in the development, promotion and implementation of health and safety policies and procedures - Training employees in the safe performance of their assigned tasks
- The provision of resources to meet the health and safety commitment
Employees are to:
- Follow all health and safety policies and procedures
- Report all known or observed hazards to their immediate supervisor or manager
Application of the Policy
This policy is applicable to Norditech Pty Ltd in all its operations and functions including those situations where employees are required to work off site.
Norditech Pty Ltd is committed to consultation and co-operation between management and employees. Norditech Pty Ltd will consult with elected Employee Health and Safety Representatives (H&SR) and employees in any workplace change that will affect the health and safety of any of its employees or the operating functions of any of its sites.
Implementing the Policy
This policy will be carried out through a WHS program, which includes:
- Active involvement and commitment of managers
- Identification and control of hazards.
- Investigation and reporting of all accidents and dangerous incidents.
- Participation of and consultation with, workers on safety matters of significance.
- Provision of first aid and emergency procedures.
- Provision of information, training and supervision as necessary for safety.
This Policy will be reviewed every 12 months and when required by changes in legislation, or when company operations require it. If altered, workers will be consulted and notified of changes.
Quality Policy
Norditech Pty Ltd provides a range of environmental monitoring services including sales of environmental monitoring equipment, installation, support, maintenance and data monitoring. As a responsible business, we are dedicated to quality and continuous process improvement of our customers and staffs. It is our policy to achieve total customer satisfaction by delivering a level of service, through established procedures and commitment, which will exceed expectations.
Norditech Pty Ltd recognises that quality is a companywide responsibility. We achieve organizational excellence and quality awareness through innovative process improvements, training our people, offering competitive rates, true value for money to our clients and developing customer and employee satisfaction programs. Our organisation strives for continual improvement to ensure that its operations and clients are always receiving a high level of service.
Top management ensures that quality objectives are established and met at relevant functions and levels within the organization.
Materials and services used by Norditech Pty Ltd are to be purchased from approved suppliers only to ensure that the end product satisfies the client’s requirements.
We also aim to ensure that our business continues to be a valued service for our customers resulting in quality products. To this end, we look to improve the services we use in cooperation with our suppliers and subcontractors.
Norditech Pty Ltd ensures that it complies with legislation, regulations and codes of practice as set out by the government and associated bodies. It maintains the effectiveness of the Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems.
The quality policy is explained to all new and existing employees, suppliers and subcontractors engaged by Norditech Pty Ltd through company and site inductions ensuring that the basic principles of quality assurance is instilled within the work force. The bases of these principles are:
- Our workers are our key resources
- We will ensure that service standards are current
- We will endeavour to satisfy our client and end users’ requirements
- We will effectively analyse and monitor our performance to continuously improve our service and the Quality Management System;
- We will continually strive to conform to the requirements of all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements
All employees will be informed of this policy that will be documented, maintained and regularly reviewed to ensure that it remains relevant to Projects and Norditech Pty Ltd’s organisational processes. This policy is to be displayed in the office, and in designated public areas when appropriate to ensure that it is available to all interested people.